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Tarot Readings for Guidance

A Tarot Reading offers meaningful guidance and empowerment. The knowledge you will gain during this reading will shed light on your current or potential situation and unveil new meanings. Most importantly, it will help you consider your options and take action when before you were hesitating, confused or insecure.

Erika hails from a family of Tarot Readers, dating back generations. She possesses years of study and experience in the interpretation of the Tarot. With a profound understanding of Eastern and Western philosophies and cultures, a wide knowledge on subjects such as collective unconscious, archetypes, and symbolism she can discover break through to gain clear insight to your life path.

Erika uses her gift to look beyond the current circumstances into how the forces of cause and effect determine your future.



For more information and bookings please contact us.

Readings/predictions are for entertainment purposes only.